Thursday 30 November 2017

Number 3

Third time lucky! After 2 broken trees (see a past post), the big christmas tree (well, a miserly 28 meters tall) is up and decorated. Much bigger than the "big" one on Times Square in New York, a ridiculous 23 meters... Ha, WE BEAT  NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Strasbourg, capitale de Noel, capital of Christmas.


  1. Strasbourg is set for the occasion!

  2. Third time is always lucky Rob! Hey let's face it, the whole world has beaten NYC, and the rest, just by not having a #45 😀

  3. It looks like a perfectly shaped tree. If Gracie from Perth sounds unhappy about #45, imagine how WE feel who live in this wonderful country of ours, which I dearly love!!


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